The Effects of Consciousness of Social Position and Dignity of Participants in Leisure Sports on Conspicuous Leisure Consumption 인문,사회과학편 : 여가스포츠 참여자의 신분의식과 체면민감성이 과시적 여가소비에 미치는 영향
최영래YoungLaeChoi , 이재희JaeHeeLee
50(4) 1-11, 2011
The Effects of Consciousness of Social Position and Dignity of Participants in Leisure Sports on Conspicuous Leisure Consumption 인문,사회과학편 : 여가스포츠 참여자의 신분의식과 체면민감성이 과시적 여가소비에 미치는 영향
최영래YoungLaeChoi , 이재희JaeHeeLee
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of consciousness of social position and dignity of participants in leisure sports on conspicuous leisure consumption. By using convenience sampling, the data were collected from 437 adults in member of private fitness clubs, golf ranges and MTB, in-line skating, ski, snowboard cubs. Among 437 sets of data, except for 14 sets that lost some contents of the survey and were answered unfaithfully, 423 sets were valid samples. The collected data were enforced factor analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using via the PASW 18.0 version for Windows. The conclusions were as follows: First, consciousness of social position and dignity of leisure sports participants had a positive correlation with conspicuous leisure consumption. Second, the consciousness of social position of leisure sports participants significantly affected all sub-factors of conspicuous leisure. Thirds, the dignity of leisure sports participants had a significant impact on all sub-factors of conspicuous leisure consumption.
Key Words
dignity, conspicuous Leisure consumption, consciousness of social position, participant of Leisure
A Study on the Relationships Between University Students’ the Motives of Sport Spectatorship and the Recognition of Changes in Sport Rules 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 스포츠 관람동기와 경기규칙변화 인식의 관계
조성식SeongSikCho , 김성훈SungHunKim
50(4) 13-22, 2011
A Study on the Relationships Between University Students’ the Motives of Sport Spectatorship and the Recognition of Changes in Sport Rules 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 스포츠 관람동기와 경기규칙변화 인식의 관계
조성식SeongSikCho , 김성훈SungHunKim
This study was intended to analyze the relationships between sport spectatorship motives and the recognition of changes in sport rules and to figure out the casual relations of these two factors. It utilized the questionnaire and its reliability and validity ware testified, analyzing the 478 college students' responses. The results showed that some factors from the sport spectatorship motives such as competitiveness and risk, achievement and aesthetic values significantly influenced entertainment-oriented recognition of sport rule changes. Achievement factor did the increase of TV's influencing power. Social relations, self-realization and aesthetic values among the sport spectatorship motives significantly influenced sport-production recognition about the sport rule changes. Social relations and aesthetic values had the influence upon the enhancement of sport competitiveness level.
Key Words
sport spectatorship, changes of sport rules
A Study on Social Capital of College Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 사회자본에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to define the concept of social capital and to examine the difference of social capital between the college students who are major in physical education, liberal arts and engineering on the basis of trust, norm, respect and social capital integration. The ultimate purpose of this study was to figure the phase of the social capital making of each department and to tender basic data required to accomplish the right social capital making. SPSS for windows 17.0 has been utilized to analyze the data. The level of significance for statistics has been established as α<.05. t-test, one-way ANOVA was adopted for social capital. The results of this study were as followed; First, there was a difference of trust and social capital depending on their sex. Second, there was a difference of trust, norm, respect and social capital integration depending on major.
Key Words
social capital, physical education, college students, major
Case Analysis and Diplomacy Result of International Development According to Taekwondo Demonstration in Abroad 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 해외 시범을 통한 국제개발 외교성과 사례분석
김범식BeomSigKim , 곽택용TaekYongKwak
50(4) 33-42, 2011
Case Analysis and Diplomacy Result of International Development According to Taekwondo Demonstration in Abroad 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 해외 시범을 통한 국제개발 외교성과 사례분석
김범식BeomSigKim , 곽택용TaekYongKwak
This paper aims to analyse the diplomatic outcomes of Korean National Taekwondo demonstration team focusing on its successful cases all over the world from 2009 to 2010. Korean National Taekwondo demonstration team plays diplomatic roles, such as maintaining close relations with sports teams in foreign countries and introducing Korean traditional culture. It also contributes to lay the foundation for globalizing Taekowndo through cultural exchange between Korea and other countries. Futhermore, it provides links to investment and technical supports promoted by Korean government by making favorable impressions among people in other countries, and helps to create favorable conditions for Korean people living in foreign countries. International activities of Korean National Taekwondo Demonstration Team and actual outcomes from them proves that it has been playing important diplomatic roles.
Key Words
National Taekwondo Demonstration Team, Taekwondo Demonstration, International Activities
Understanding of the Prestige Golf Club Member's Golf Culture 인문,사회과학편 : 최상위 골프클럽 회원들의 골프문화
50(4) 43-52, 2011
Understanding of the Prestige Golf Club Member's Golf Culture 인문,사회과학편 : 최상위 골프클럽 회원들의 골프문화
This study focused on understanding golf culture of the most prestige golf club members in Korea. For the study, qualitative research was conducted. Four members of the Korea`s top prestige golf club were interviewed and the followings were concluded. First, being a member of the prestige golf club not only gave them the ownership for advantage of decent tee time booking but also gave opportunity to share field with respectable people of their own class. Second, golf was being approached as means of symbolic sports for their social stratum. Concept of improving golf techniques and skills had meanings beyond recreation but distinctional means among others. The spending mode has become reasonable and practical compared to the past extravagant and ostentatious manner. Also the members were pursuing entertainment and pleasure with family and close acquaintance.
Key Words
prestige golf club, golf culture, distinction
Do the Perceived Values and Self-efficacy in the Physical Education Context Impact on Adolescents' After-school Physical Activity?: A Longitudinal Approach 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 지각된 가치와 자기효능감이 청소년의 방과후 신체활동에 영향을 주는가?: 종단적 접근
50(4) 53-65, 2011
Do the Perceived Values and Self-efficacy in the Physical Education Context Impact on Adolescents' After-school Physical Activity?: A Longitudinal Approach 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 지각된 가치와 자기효능감이 청소년의 방과후 신체활동에 영향을 주는가?: 종단적 접근
The purpose of the study was to examine predictors of adolescents` after-school physical activity participation, the mediated effects of self-efficacy and task values, and the moderating effect of gender from a longitudinal perspective. 613 adolescents (319 boys, 294 girls) completed a set of questionnaires that included self-report measures of perceived values and self-efficacy in physical education classes, the constructs of the theory of planned behavior, and leisure-time physical activity twice after 16 weeks. The results of structural equation modelling analysis indicated that both attitude and behavioral control not only mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and intention for physical activity, but also three constructs of the theory of planned behavior mediated the relationship between perceived values and intention. The relationship between self-efficacy and physical activity, perceived values and physical activity were indirectly associated by a path mediated through intention. The effects of self-efficacy and values were mediated through the same constructs across 16 weeks, gender moderated the relationships between them. In conclusion, high perceived self-efficacy and values in the class could have the potential to affect the intention for physical activity and behavior levels of middle school students with both high and low self-efficacy and values.
Key Words
school physical education, task values, self-efficacy, physical activity, the theory of planned behavior
Psychophysiological Responses Corresponding to Low and High Self-efficacy 인문,사회과학편 : 자기효능감 차이에 따른 인지정보처리 변화: P300
김성운SungWoonKim , 김진구JinGuKim , 이건영GunYoungLee
50(4) 67-75, 2011
Psychophysiological Responses Corresponding to Low and High Self-efficacy 인문,사회과학편 : 자기효능감 차이에 따른 인지정보처리 변화: P300
김성운SungWoonKim , 김진구JinGuKim , 이건영GunYoungLee
This study investigated the psychophysiological responses according to high self-efficacy and low self-efficacy using P300. One-hundred fifty university students (male, ages 19-29 years, M=24.3, SD=3.42) completed the Physical Self-Efficacy Scale. Twenty-four participants were then assigned to one of two experimental conditions: High Self-efficacy group (n=10) and Low Self-efficacy group (n=10). The P300 data obtained from the two experimental groups were compared. Two-hundred stimuli (40 target stimuli, 160 standard stimuli) were randomly presented via a projection monitor and the participants told to press a button to indicate the appearance of a target stimulus. The electroencephalographic data collected from Fz, Cz, Pz, and O1 were used to assess the latency and amplitude of P300. The results of this study indicated that the High Self-efficacy group produced a shorter P300 latency than the Low Self-efficacy group.
Key Words
P300, self-efficacy, amplitude, Latency
The Difference in Types Among Self-management and Enjoyment on Soccer Players for Elementary School 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 클럽축구선수들의 성취목표성향 수준에 따른 재미와 자기관리 유형
송용관YongGwanSong , 천승현SungHyeonCheon , 이철ChulLee
50(4) 77-90, 2011
The Difference in Types Among Self-management and Enjoyment on Soccer Players for Elementary School 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 클럽축구선수들의 성취목표성향 수준에 따른 재미와 자기관리 유형
송용관YongGwanSong , 천승현SungHyeonCheon , 이철ChulLee
This study examined the difference in types among self-management and enjoyment to achievement goal on soccer players for elementary school. In order to, 520 soccer players were examined and responded to a set of questionnaires; Enjoyment and Self-management scales. The data were analyzed through correlation, multivariate analysis and regression analysis with dummy. The results of the study were as follows: First, the task-high groups (task/high, ego/low; task/high, ego/high) were influence enjoyment and self-management than ego-high groups (task/low, ego/high; task/low, ego/low). Second, regression analysis with dummy results, task-high groups is the best predictor of enjoyment and self-management in the participants. The results implied the importance of the task-oriented goal directly affected to enjoyment and self-management than ego-oriented goal. Therefore, this data suggests that the education of physical and filed will be insight by the understanding achievement goal motivation levels for soccer players for elementary school.
An Investigation of Mediated Effect of Self Regulation Motivation in Achievement Goal Orientation and Relations Among Athletic Satisfactions 인문,사회과학편 : 성취목표성향과 운동만족간의 관계에서 자기조절동기의 매개효과 검증
50(4) 91-103, 2011
An Investigation of Mediated Effect of Self Regulation Motivation in Achievement Goal Orientation and Relations Among Athletic Satisfactions 인문,사회과학편 : 성취목표성향과 운동만족간의 관계에서 자기조절동기의 매개효과 검증
The study aims to explore the mediated effect of self regulation motivation in the relations between achievement goal orientation and athletic satisfaction of athletes. The author undertook a multistage stratified cluster random sampling for 328 high school athletes, among which 162 were in individual events and the rest 166 in group events in 16 regions nationwide. The author undertook exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, and then exercised the structural equation model (SEM). The results are summarized as follows. First, according to the correlation analysis revealed that task involvement was positively associated with intrinsic and confirmatory regulations, and self construal was positively associated with external regulation. Furthermore, the intrinsic and confirmatory regulations appeared to be positively associated with the subfactor of athletic satisfaction, whereas external regulation negatively associated with subfactor of athletic satisfaction. Second, it was found that task involvement had a positive impact on intrinsic and confirmatory regulations, self construal had a positive impact on external regulation, and intrinsic and confirmatory regulations had a direct positive impact on the subfactor of athletic satisfaction. And the task involvement was found to have an indirect positive impact on the subfactor of athletic satisfaction mediated by self regulation motivation.
Key Words
between achievement goal, athletic satisfaction, self regulation motivation, self-determination theory
Change in Mood and Emotion According to Achievement Goal Orientation in a Lost Situation 인문,사회과학편 : 패배상황에서의 성취목표성향에 따른 정서 및 주관적 운동경험의 변화
50(4) 105-114, 2011
Change in Mood and Emotion According to Achievement Goal Orientation in a Lost Situation 인문,사회과학편 : 패배상황에서의 성취목표성향에 따른 정서 및 주관적 운동경험의 변화
The objective of this study was to compare exercise emotion and subjective exercise experience between before and after a game in a lost situation according to achievement goal orientation. Data on achievement goal orientation, exercise emotion and subjective exercise experience before a game were collected from 178 students attending the university class of a cultural subject, and again data on exercise emotion and subjective exercise experience were collected from 89 of them who lost their game. Using the data, we performed repeated measures analysis on the dependent variable by time x group. According to the results of the analysis, among the sub-factors of exercise emotion, pride and vitality decreased very rapidly after the game in the result-oriented group. However, fun was lower after the game than before in the ego-oriented group, but was higher after having lost the game than before in the task-oriented group. Among the sub-factors of subjective exercise experience, negative stress and game fatigue increased rapidly after the game in the ego-oriented group as in exercise emotion, and positive happiness was higher after the game than before in the task-oriented group. These results suggest that difference in exercise emotion and perceived exercise experience according to the result of game as suggested by previous studies may vary depending on achievement goal orientation, and task-oriented people may cope more flexibly with negative changes in mood and emotion resulting from the loss of a game.
Key Words
Lost situation, goal orientation, emotion, subjective exercise
A Narrative on Science High School Members and a P.E. (Physical Education) Teacher's Notion of P.E. 인문,사회과학편 : 과학고등학교 구성원과 체육교사의 체육에 관한 내러티브
김승재SeungJaeKim , 박인서InSeoPark
50(4) 115-127, 2011
A Narrative on Science High School Members and a P.E. (Physical Education) Teacher's Notion of P.E. 인문,사회과학편 : 과학고등학교 구성원과 체육교사의 체육에 관한 내러티브
김승재SeungJaeKim , 박인서InSeoPark
This study is narrative inquiry on science high school members' notions of P.E (physical education) and a P.E. teacher's interpretation of them. Writings on the internet, students' essays, interviews with students belong to the data of this study. Inductive method, a general method in narrative inquiry is used for the analysis and various verification process like peer debriefing and member check are carried out for trustworthiness. The research text consists of three parts, which are telling, reliving and retelling. In the telling part, science high school members' notions in the eyes of a P.E. teacher are described and these can be summed up like this: First, students tend to refrain from doing exercise to ensure time for their learning and they think physical activities could be an obstacle for study. Second, parents agree that physical activities are necessary for their children but they showed hesitation about active physical activities due to their children’s burden of learning including preparation for the entrance examination. Third, teachers have a tendency to neglect the educational essentials while emphasizing preferential pursuing the educational objectives relative to going on to university. Forth, the educational philosophy of a principal has the greatest influence on the educational execution. In the reliving part, it describes a P.E teacher's reflection about the experiences and interpretation previously described in the telling part. In the retelling part, a P.E. teacher who seeks after desirable P.E. teacher's character is narrated.
Key Words
science high school, ideas about physical education, narrative inquiry
The Bliefs and Rflection of ‘I’ as a Middle Shool P.E Tacher 인문,사회과학편 : 중등체육교사로서 ‘나’의 신념과 반성
전용진YoungJenJean , 김무영MooYoungKim
50(4) 129-144, 2011
The Bliefs and Rflection of ‘I’ as a Middle Shool P.E Tacher 인문,사회과학편 : 중등체육교사로서 ‘나’의 신념과 반성
전용진YoungJenJean , 김무영MooYoungKim
This study aims to explore and interpret, how a middle school physical education teacher's beliefs about student control through his teaching career are managed and changed through self-reflection obtained from practice, by means of first person-narrative. To this end, the study participant analyzed a massive amount of self-reflection log and conversation materials written during his teaching life. The analysis had three steps; writing, coding, and topic development by recollecting and summarizing events through the self-reflection log and conversation. The participant's story is divided into the beginning(1990-1997), the middle period of teaching(1997-2001), and the present( 2001-2009). The subject tried to democratically teach physical education by rejecting mandatory control throughout his teaching career, and during the process he has received various challenges. However, this subject confronts the reality without compromising his principles through constant self-reflection and introspection. He confesses that reflection serves as a tool to put his belief-based class into practice and at the same time as a shield to keep his beliefs. This study emphasizes right beliefs and a firm view of education in preliminary P.E teachers' education as well as the importance of reflection education as a key strategy to develop beliefs in actual classes.
Key Words
narrative, teacher's beliefs, reflection
The Analysis and Task of Physical Education Curriculum Based on Creative Education 인문,사회과학편 : 창의성 교육 관점에서 본 체육과 교육과정의 분석과 과제
50(4) 145-156, 2011
The Analysis and Task of Physical Education Curriculum Based on Creative Education 인문,사회과학편 : 창의성 교육 관점에서 본 체육과 교육과정의 분석과 과제
Creativity education is one of the educational perspectives that Korean school education has continuously emphasized. To date, Physical Education as a subject has educated creativity within the past and current national P.E. curriculum document, but there is little known of how the past P.E curriculum. has emphasized and in what extent the 2007 revised national P.E. curriculum has implied on creativity. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze creativity relevant components in the 2007 revised national P.E. curriculum document using the analysis criteria by Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation and to suggest the task of a national P.E. curriculum in the future. The findings indicated that the current national P.E. curriculum has included some parts of creativity from introduction to evaluation, but the curriculum document did not include the entire components of creative thinking skills. In addition, this paper aims to suggest future task that physical education curriculum should do in order to solve the limitations of the creativity education. That is, the task represents the emphasis on creativity education in terms of creative thinking and creative mind in physical education curriculum.
Key Words
physical education curriculum, creativity, creative thinking, creative mind
The Relationship Among Attitude Toward Professional Basketball, Identification with Professional Basketball, Sponsor Fit, Attitude Toward Brand and Sponsor Image 인문,사회과학편 : 프로농구태도와 프로농구동일시, 스폰서적합성, 브랜드태도 및 스폰서이미지와의 구조적 관계
김용만YongManKim , 정정희JungHeeJung
50(4) 157-169, 2011
The Relationship Among Attitude Toward Professional Basketball, Identification with Professional Basketball, Sponsor Fit, Attitude Toward Brand and Sponsor Image 인문,사회과학편 : 프로농구태도와 프로농구동일시, 스폰서적합성, 브랜드태도 및 스폰서이미지와의 구조적 관계
김용만YongManKim , 정정희JungHeeJung
The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate and reveal the relationships among attitude toward professional basketball, identification with professional basketball, sponsor fit, attitude toward brand and sponsor image based on analysis of structural equation models. The respondents were spectators from three professional basketball teams(KT, ET, KCC). Of 284 samples were collected and 271 of them were used for data analysis. Data analyses included frequency analysis using SPSSWIN Ver. 15.0 and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis using AMOS 7.0. Based on the above research method and procedures, the results of the study are summarized as follows. First, the attitude toward professional basketball showed positive influence on the identification with professional basketball. Second, the identification with professional basketball exerted a positive influence on the sponsor fit. Third, the sponsor fit revealed positive influence upon the attitude toward brand and the sponsor image. Fourth, the attitude toward brand was appeared to have a positive impact on the sponsor image. As a result, all assumptions were adopted.
Key Words
attitude toward professional basketball, professional basketball identification, sponsor fit, attitude toward brand, sponsor image
The Effect of Local Government's Sports Sponsorship Activities on Urban Image Change and Place Identity of Local Resident 인문,사회과학편 : 지방자치단체의 스포츠 스폰서십 활동이 거주민의 도시 이미지 변화와 장소정체성에 미치는 영향
권기완KiWanKwon , 조광민KwangMinCho , 이승로SeungRoRhee
50(4) 171-179, 2011
The Effect of Local Government's Sports Sponsorship Activities on Urban Image Change and Place Identity of Local Resident 인문,사회과학편 : 지방자치단체의 스포츠 스폰서십 활동이 거주민의 도시 이미지 변화와 장소정체성에 미치는 영향
권기완KiWanKwon , 조광민KwangMinCho , 이승로SeungRoRhee
The purpose of this study was to present the data necessary for local government's marketers to research the developed ways to sports sponsorship activities for local governments, through studying the example of Seoul city's sports sponsorship with Manchester united team. For this purpose, this study was conducted to 236 spectators who live in Seoul city. For the analysis of data, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used. The statistical significance level was set at α<.05. The research results are as per the below. First, sports sponsorship activities for local governments had significant influence on urban image change of local resident. Secondly, sports sponsorship activities for local governments had significant influence on place identity of local resident. Third, urban image change of local resident had significant influence on place identity of local resident.
Key Words
sports sponsorship, urban image, place identity
The Relationship Between Spectating Inducing Factor and Re-spectating for the Sports Climbing Event Spectators : The Mediation Effects of Psychological Factors and Perceived Value 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 클라이밍대회 관람자의 유인요인과 재관람요인의 관계에서 심리적요인과 지각된 가치의 매개효과
조성균SungKyunCho , 김종경JongKyungKim , 이재돈JaeDonLee
50(4) 181-190, 2011
The Relationship Between Spectating Inducing Factor and Re-spectating for the Sports Climbing Event Spectators : The Mediation Effects of Psychological Factors and Perceived Value 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 클라이밍대회 관람자의 유인요인과 재관람요인의 관계에서 심리적요인과 지각된 가치의 매개효과
조성균SungKyunCho , 김종경JongKyungKim , 이재돈JaeDonLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between spectating inducing factor and re-spectating for the sports climbing event spectators(the mediation effects of psychological factors and perceived value). The purpose of this study in order to achieve the target sports climbing event spectator to extract the total sample of 301 people responding, but had falsely judged or omission of such material except as inappropriate survey 283 people were selected as study subjects. Using SPSS 13.0 frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis conducted by the following conclusion made it. First, psychological factors had significant mediating influences on perceived values. Second, psychological factors had significant mediating influences on re-spectating intention. Third, perceived values resulted in significant mediating effect on re-spectating intention.
Key Words
sports climbing, spectating inducing, re-spectating, psychological factor, perceived value
The Effect of Relationship Marketing Implement Factor on The Quality and Outcome in Taekwondo Gymnasium 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장의 관계마케팅요인이 관계의 질과 성과에 미치는 영향
이상행SangHaengLee , 오방균BangKyunOh
50(4) 191-200, 2011
The Effect of Relationship Marketing Implement Factor on The Quality and Outcome in Taekwondo Gymnasium 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장의 관계마케팅요인이 관계의 질과 성과에 미치는 영향
이상행SangHaengLee , 오방균BangKyunOh
This research set a model of re-register intention, mouth to mouth intention, trust, Teakwondo gym`s relationship and satisfaction based on the theories which are related to relationship and satisfaction, trust, mouth to mouth intention, and re-register intention; Swain, Trawick and Silva(1985), Evan(1990), Crosby, Evans and Cowles(1990), Kim(2001), Song(1994), Ganesan(1994), Morgan and Hunt(1994), Wilson(1995), Anderson, Fornell and Lehmann(1994), Bitner(1990), Gu(1995), Go and Lee(2007), Hwang and Kim(2002), Shemwell(1995), Garvarino, Johnson(1999), Chaudhuri and Holbrook(2001), Yoon(2000), Choi(2002), Jung and Yang(2001). The target of the research is the parents of Taekwondo gyms which are registered in Korea Taekwondo Association in Seoul, Daejoen. Also, the research did sampling two hundreds eighty ones by using Convenience Sampling, then actually used two hundreds sixty three ones except seventeen ones which are inappropriate. Then, the research tested each assumption after making sure the test of suitability on the models by using SPSSWIN Ver 17.0 and AMOS 17.0 for the purpose of dealing the data. Accordingly, the research got the following result after analyzing the data in accordance with the research procedure and method. First, the result has shown that factor of social bond, of relation recovery, and of structure have an effect on satisfaction. On the other hand, factor of cost showed that doesn`t have any effect on satisfaction. Secondly, the result has shown that factor of social bond, of relation recovery, and of cost have an effect on trust. However, the factor of structure showed that have little effect on the trust. Thirdly, the result has shown that satisfaction has an effect on trust. Fourthly, the result has shown that satisfaction has an effect on mouth to mouth intention. Fifthly, the result has shown that satisfaction doesn`t have an effect on the re-register intention. Sixthly, the result has shown that trust has an effect on mouth to mouth intention. Finally, the result has shown that trust has an effect on the re-register intention.
Key Words
Taekwondo Gymnasium, Relationship Marketing, Quality, Outcome in Taekwondo Gymnasium
A Prediction of Demand for Jeju-do Golfers Participating with the Use of Seasonal ARIMA Model 인문,사회과학편 : 계절 ARIMA 모형을 이용한 제주도골프장 내장객에 대한 수요예측
설민신MinSinSul , 박두용DooYongPark , 박광문KwangMoonPark
50(4) 201-212, 2011
A Prediction of Demand for Jeju-do Golfers Participating with the Use of Seasonal ARIMA Model 인문,사회과학편 : 계절 ARIMA 모형을 이용한 제주도골프장 내장객에 대한 수요예측
설민신MinSinSul , 박두용DooYongPark , 박광문KwangMoonPark
A prediction of demand for Jeju-do golfers participating in Sport for All is a very important study in the aspect of being able to give help to establishing the marketing policy and to establishing the service policy in a company, which operates golf course. In particular, Jeju-do Island is situated many golf courses harmonized with beautiful natural landscape. Thus, necessity of predicting demand can be known to get bigger through more rational and scientific method in the real situation of being grown the golf-course users who aim to enjoy golf along with nature. Accordingly, this study predicted the demand of Jeju-do golfers participating in Sport for All until December 2011 by using year and monthly-based materials from January 2002 to December 2010 based on the theory of the demand prediction for Jeju-do golfers participating in Sport for All and of the time-series analysis. Through diagnosing model specification - parametric estimation - model suitability, which are the basic procedures of establishing ARIMA model, ARIMA(1, 1, 1)(0, 1, 1)12 model was selected as the final model. Accordingly, as a result of predicting the demand of Jeju-do golfers participating in Sport for All, the conclusion was obtained as saying that the demand of golfers participating in Sport for All decreases in December and January and that the demand of golf-course users increases steadily from February to November.
Key Words
Seasonal ARIMA, Jeju-do golfers participating in Sport for All
Analysis of Relations Among Flow, Viewing Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit that were Perceived by Professional Baseball Spectators 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 관람객이 지각하는 플로우(flow)와 관람만족 및 재관람의도의 관계분석
50(4) 213-223, 2011
Analysis of Relations Among Flow, Viewing Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit that were Perceived by Professional Baseball Spectators 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 관람객이 지각하는 플로우(flow)와 관람만족 및 재관람의도의 관계분석
The purpose of this study is to analyze relations among flow, satisfaction with spectating and intention to revisit that were perceived by pro baseball spectators. In order to achieve this purpose, spectators during CJ Magumagu Professional Baseball Games 2010 Gwangju Games held from September 1-31, 2010(KIA Tigers: Lotte Giants, 3 games and KIA Tigers:SK Wyverns, 2 games) as subjects for this study. Convenience sampling method was used for sampling and the final analysis used 339 questionnaires. Finally, the following results were suggested. First, challenge and attention had positive effects on enjoyment, arousal, and time perception. Second, enjoyment, arousal, and time perception showed positive effects on flow. Finally, flow had positive effects on viewing satisfaction and intention to revisit and viewing satisfaction had positive effect on intention to revisit.
Key Words
flow, professional baseball spectators, viewing satisfaction, intention to revisit
Effects of Upward Comparison on Anger and Subjective Well-being in Leisure Sport Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 여가스포츠 참여자의 상향비교가 상태분노와 주관적 안녕감에 미치는 영향
김석일SeokIlKim , 오은택EunTaekOh , 윤영구YeongKooYoon
50(4) 225-237, 2011
Effects of Upward Comparison on Anger and Subjective Well-being in Leisure Sport Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 여가스포츠 참여자의 상향비교가 상태분노와 주관적 안녕감에 미치는 영향
김석일SeokIlKim , 오은택EunTaekOh , 윤영구YeongKooYoon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of upward comparison on anger and subjective well-being in leisure sport participants, 299 in total. The study used convenience sampling method and conducted 300 questionnaires. The collected data were analysed in exploratory factor analysis, t-test, oneway ANOVA, MANOVA, simple regression using SPSS 18.0 program. The study deduct following results. First, Male participants in comparison with female participants got high scores on anger. And female participants in comparison with male participants got high scores on subjective well-being. Second, upward comparison of leisure sport participants had a positive(+) influence on anger. Third, anger of leisure sport participants had a negative(-) influence on subjective well-being.
Key Words
social comparison, upward comparison, anger, subjective well-being
Structure Relationship Among Social Intelligence, Vitality and Happy of Elderly Women Participating Recreation Program 인문,사회과학편 : 레크리에이션 프로그램 참여 여성노인들의 사회지능, 활력 및 행복의 관계모형 분석
50(4) 239-250, 2011
Structure Relationship Among Social Intelligence, Vitality and Happy of Elderly Women Participating Recreation Program 인문,사회과학편 : 레크리에이션 프로그램 참여 여성노인들의 사회지능, 활력 및 행복의 관계모형 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the structure relationship among social intelligence, vitality and happy of elderly women participating recreation program. 256 elderly women participated in this study. The data were analyzed by the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, oneway ANOVA, structure model analysis using SPSS 17.0 and AMOS 6.0 program. The results were as follows. First, compared to exercise participants less than 2 days as leisure activity in elderly women, exercise participants more than 3 days as leisure activity in elderly women showed high scores on vitality and happy. Second, vitality of elderly women participating recreation program was found to have positive effect on happy. Third, social intelligence of elderly women participating recreation program was found to have positive effect on happy.
Key Words
social intelligence, vitality, happy, recreation program
The Relationships Between Satisfaction About Ski Class, Leisure Attitude and Leisure Flow of College Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학교양스키의 수업만족, 여가태도, 여가몰입과의 관계
임진선JinSunLim , 이철원ChulWonLee
50(4) 251-262, 2011
The Relationships Between Satisfaction About Ski Class, Leisure Attitude and Leisure Flow of College Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학교양스키의 수업만족, 여가태도, 여가몰입과의 관계
임진선JinSunLim , 이철원ChulWonLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of satisfaction about ski class on leisure attitude and leisure flow for college student. To achieve this purpose, the subject was selected by university(Y. E. H) students of S city and the students participated in ski class from the Nov of 2009 to Mar of 2010. Sampling method was convenience sampling. Totally 250 survey questionnaires were distributed and 220 responded. Finally, 188 questionnaires used after eliminating 32 incomplete samples. The data was analyzed by frequency analysis, factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structure equation model analysis in accordance with the purpose of the study by using SPSS version 18.0, Amos 7.0. The results were as follows, First, class satisfaction indicated positive on the leisure attitude in ski class, it was the highest of the research hypotheses. Second, leisure attitude indicated positive on the leisure flow in ski class. Third, the satisfaction of ski class affects to leisure flow. In other worlds, ski class satisfaction influenced positively on leisure attitude and leisure flow and leisure attitude influenced on leisure flow. In conclusion, physical activity class is very important to students regards leisure and sport in modern college life because their physical performance has been declined for cruel social competition. Ski class could be a great suggestion for the college students in modern society who does not have time to enjoy.
Key Words
Leisure attitude, Leisure flow, satisfaction about ski class
Exploring the Leisure Education Elements for Effective Implementation 인문,사회과학편 : 여가교육 실행활성화 요인 탐색
이승민SeungMinLee , 원형중HyungJoongWon
50(4) 263-275, 2011
Exploring the Leisure Education Elements for Effective Implementation 인문,사회과학편 : 여가교육 실행활성화 요인 탐색
이승민SeungMinLee , 원형중HyungJoongWon
The purpose of this study was exploring the leisure education elements for effective implementation in Korea society. For this, this study attempted to utilize the Dephi technique. The Delphi technique was carried out three times on critical step. The result developed of a leisure education elements for effective implementation of significance as 5 categories and 13 elements as follows. Promotion of leisure education; government marketing, public marketing, specialized audience marketing, Regulation of leisure education; leisure education development and support polices, Leisure education for the mass public; incorporation in physical education curriculum, training and improvement programs for teacher, Expertise in leisure education; developing Korea leisure education model, Korea leisure education programs, leisure education program database and educating leaders of leisure education, Lifelong leisure education; promote early leisure education, expend to college curriculum, after-work program, youth and senior and youth program, training for leisure association experts.
The Influence of Immersion of Horse-riding Participants on Leisure Identity and Mental Well-being 인문,사회과학편 : 승마 참여자의 몰입이 여가정체성 및 심리적 웰빙에 미치는 영향
표종현JongHyunPyo , 이근모KeunMoLee , 장승현SeungHyunJang
50(4) 277-290, 2011
The Influence of Immersion of Horse-riding Participants on Leisure Identity and Mental Well-being 인문,사회과학편 : 승마 참여자의 몰입이 여가정체성 및 심리적 웰빙에 미치는 영향
표종현JongHyunPyo , 이근모KeunMoLee , 장승현SeungHyunJang
This study intends to investigate the influences regarding immersion, leisure identity and mental well-being of horse-riding participants. For this study, those from horse-riding clubs and societies in 2010 were taken as the population, 423 users of 56 ridings throughout the country were sampled with biased sampling method and the data of 372 were used in the analysis. To test the hypothesis of this study, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach's α, multiple-regression analyses were used, the following results have been drawn from this study. 1) The immersion( recognition, behavior) of horse-riding participants was found to have a significant influence on leisure identity (identification, self-esteem, and emotional attachment). 2) The immersion(recognition) of horse-riding participants was found to have a significant influensce on mental well-being(personal relations, self-accepting, personal growth, and environment domination). 3) The leisure identity(self-esteem) of horse-riding paticipants was found to have a significant influence on the mental well-being(personal relations), and the leisure identity( self-esteem, emotional attachment) was found to have a significant influence on the mental well-being(self-accepting, personal growth, environment domination).
Structural Relationships Among Teacher Feedback, Motivational Regulation, and Intention for Participation in Dance Classes in Arts High Schools 인문,사회과학편 : 예술고등학교 무용수업에서 교사의 피드백 지각, 동기 조절 및 수업참여의도 간의 구조적 관계
50(4) 291-306, 2011
Structural Relationships Among Teacher Feedback, Motivational Regulation, and Intention for Participation in Dance Classes in Arts High Schools 인문,사회과학편 : 예술고등학교 무용수업에서 교사의 피드백 지각, 동기 조절 및 수업참여의도 간의 구조적 관계
The purpose of this study is to examine the causal relationships among perceived teacher feedback, self-determinant motivational regulation, class satisfaction, and intention for class participation in arts high school dance classes. As a research method, with a pilot study (N=197) and a main study (N=303), 500 students in 5 schools participated in the study as subjects. They responded to questionnaires that measure perceived teacher feedback, behavioral regulation, class satisfaction, and intention for class participation. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, principle factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation, and multi-group structural equation modeling. The results were as follows; First, a form of positive general feedback among perceived teachers' feedbacks had positively a direct effect, but both negative non-verbal and positive non-verbal feedback did not influence students' self-determinant motivational regulation in dance classes. Second, positive general feedback, via self-determinant motivational regulation, influenced satisfaction with teaching and normative success directly and positively. Third, self-determinant motivational regulation directly influenced satisfaction with teaching and normative success in a positive way, and it also affected indirectly intention for class participation via satisfaction with teaching. Fourth, in student group with higher dance career, positive non-verbal feedback strongly influenced the level of self-determinant motivational regulation and normative success in comparison with students with low career.
Key Words
feedback, class satisfaction, motivational regulation, class teaching
A Study on the Seonyulak-based Traditional Leisure, Songs, Dances and Performances 인문,사회과학편 : 선유악(船遊樂)을 통한 가무백희(歌舞百戱) 연구
50(4) 307-319, 2011
A Study on the Seonyulak-based Traditional Leisure, Songs, Dances and Performances 인문,사회과학편 : 선유악(船遊樂)을 통한 가무백희(歌舞百戱) 연구
The purpose of this explanatory literature examination was to present the materials of < Seonyulak >, which had been only perceived as Jeongjemu, and look into the meaning of 'Baeddaragi', the forming background of 'Gyobang Jeongjemu', 'Seonak', 'Palgwanhoe', < Saseonmu >, 'Yeondeunghoe', 'Suhui' and < Eobuga= Fisherman's Song Oriented >, together with < Eobuga >-based Seonyu. < Seonyulak >, performed in 'Palgwanhoe' and 'Yeondeunghoe' in Silla and Goryeo, is based on 'Saseonakbu' and 'Chaseon'―ancient events in Silla. The 'Suhui' of 'Yeondeunghoero', formed in Pyeongyang in general, is Gyobang < Seonak > of 'Baeddaragi' and its revision < Seonyulak >, a royal court Jeongjemu in Joseon, comprises all sorts of songs, dances and performances including the groups of Gyobang dancers and singers who sing and perform < Eobuga >. This < Seonyulak > was a Ganghogado (the song, dance, music and boating amusement routinely performed in yearning for a king) of noblemen in Goryeo and Joseon and accompanied by the performance of 'Taruak‘ (Baeddaragi) of sad tune, and its background is 'Suhui', a kind of Seonyu (boating amusement) which sings < Eobuga >.
Key Words
Seonyulak, Traditional Leisure, Song, Dance and Performances
A Study on the Characteristic of Gyo Tae Mi in the Lee MaeBang Style Salpuri Dance from the View Point of Yin and Yang 인문,사회과학편 : 음양 관점에서 본 이매방 살풀이춤의 교태적 특징 연구
50(4) 321-332, 2011
A Study on the Characteristic of Gyo Tae Mi in the Lee MaeBang Style Salpuri Dance from the View Point of Yin and Yang 인문,사회과학편 : 음양 관점에서 본 이매방 살풀이춤의 교태적 특징 연구
This study examined the characteristics of Gyo Tae Mi found in the Lee MaeBang style Salpuri dance, an intangible cultural asset no. 97, from the view point of Yin and Yang. This study also investigates that the philosophical thought is inherent in the Korea traditional dance. This will be proved through examining that the aesthetic feature in the Lee MaeBang style Salpuri dance is deeply related with YeokHak Principle. The researcher focused on the Yang Woo Seon, DaeSam-SoSam and Jung Joong Dong found in the Lee MaeBang style Salpuri dance in this study. The first, in the Yang Woo Seon, in which the movement of both hands reveals Tae Geuk Seon flow, Gyo Tae Mi is found as a form of Yin with the hand below waist rather than a form of Yang with the hand above waist. And it is also found in a hidden form from backside or back inclined rather than front figure. The second, in the DaeSam-SoSam based on the Yin and Yang Principle, SoSam of Yin characteristic represents Gyo Tae Mi than DaeSam of Yang characteristic. The last, in the Jung Joong Dong, Gyo Tae Mi is found in the static movement of lower body (below navel) rather than dynamic movement of upper body (above navel). As a result, the Gyo Tae Mi characteristic in Lee MaeBang style Salpuri dance is shown in the form of Yin through SangBan-SangSaeng based on the Yin and Yang principle.
Key Words
Lee Maebang Style Salpuri Dance, Yin and Yang, Gyo Tae Mi, Yang Woo Seon, DaeSam-SoSam, Jung Joong Dong
The Relationship Among Psychological Well-being, Self-efficacy and Self Management for Dance Major Students 인문,사회과학편 : 무용전공 대학생의 자기관리, 자아효능감과 심리적 안녕감의 관계
신미진MiJinShin , 송용관YongGwanSong , 이철ChulLee
50(4) 333-346, 2011
The Relationship Among Psychological Well-being, Self-efficacy and Self Management for Dance Major Students 인문,사회과학편 : 무용전공 대학생의 자기관리, 자아효능감과 심리적 안녕감의 관계
신미진MiJinShin , 송용관YongGwanSong , 이철ChulLee
The self management is important because it is factor for influence performance, motivation, emotion and behavior. This study examined the relationships between psychological well-being, self-efficacy and self management for collegiate dance students'. For this, self-reported response data using on psychological well-being scale, self-efficacy scale and self management scale from 566 collegiate dance students' were analyzed by correlation, multiple regression and path analysis. The results, generally self management is the good predictor of psychological well-being and self-efficacy in collegiate dance students. The results of this study implied the importance of the self management on enhancing psychological well-being and self-efficacy. Therefore, this study suggests that the education of dance and filed will be insight by the self management were create an positive performance, motivation and physical activity intention, and promote of psychological well-being and self-efficacy for collegiate dance students'.
Influence of Dance Emotional Intelligence on Well-being and Dance Practice 인문,사회과학편 : 무용 정서지능이 웰빙과 무용연습에 미치는 영향
오보선BoSeonOh , 유진JinYoo
50(4) 347-355, 2011
Influence of Dance Emotional Intelligence on Well-being and Dance Practice 인문,사회과학편 : 무용 정서지능이 웰빙과 무용연습에 미치는 영향
오보선BoSeonOh , 유진JinYoo
This study aims to verify the influence of dance emotional intelligence on well-being and dance practice according to the different dancer groups(high school students, university students, and professional dancers). With the 739 participants, the structural models and the invariance across the groups were verified using the dance emotional intelligence scale(DEIS). The dance practice was influenced by the emotion control factor only, and the well-being was influenced only by emotion utilization. Emotion control had the most influence on the dance practice of the high school students, and the least influence on that of the professional dancers. On the other hand, emotion utilization had the most influence on the well-being of the professional dancers, and the least influence on that of the high school students. As the result of this study, the casuality of the dance emotional intelligence to well-being and dance practice was derived, and the feasibility of DEIS was verified through the evidence of criterion-related validity.
Key Words
dance emotional intelligence, well-being, dance practice
Effect of Obese Body Type-specific on Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal System During the Gait 자연과학편 : 비만 형태가 보행 동작 시 하지 근골격계에 미치는 영향
권문석MoonSeokKwon , 김의환EuiHwanKim
50(4) 357-366, 2011
Effect of Obese Body Type-specific on Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal System During the Gait 자연과학편 : 비만 형태가 보행 동작 시 하지 근골격계에 미치는 영향
권문석MoonSeokKwon , 김의환EuiHwanKim
The purpose of this study was to analysis the effect of obese body type-specific on lower extremity musculoskeletal system during the gait. To classify the subjects according to normal weight group(12) vs. gynoid group(12) vs. android group(12), we had calculated BMI and WHR. Select center of body mass motion, peak extensor and flelxor moment, peak positive and negative muscle power were compared among the conditions using one-way repeated ANOVA. Results indicated statistical difference on integral area of center of body mass on the horizontal plane, maximum knee and hip abduction moment between normal and obese group. The ankle, knee, hip peak extensor moment showed significantly lower values for obese group as compared to normal group. TThe integral area of center of body mass on the horizontal plane, peak knee and hip abduction moment showed significantly higher values for android group as compared to gynoid group. The other side, the gynoid group showed significantly higher the peak extensor moment and peak positive muscle power value than the android group on the ankle and knee joint. Therefore, the obese body type-specific mainly affected the lower extremity musculoskeletal function for accelerate or decelerate motion and maintain body balance during gait.
Key Words
obese body type-specific, mass distribution, gynoid, android, Lower extremity musculoskeletal system, gait
Biomechanical Analysis of Taekwondo Front Kick Between Excellent and Non-excellent Players 자연과학편 : 태권도 앞차기 동작 시 우수선수와 비우수선수의 생체역학적 변인 비교분석
오정환CheongHwanOh , 신의수EuiSuShin
50(4) 367-378, 2011
Biomechanical Analysis of Taekwondo Front Kick Between Excellent and Non-excellent Players 자연과학편 : 태권도 앞차기 동작 시 우수선수와 비우수선수의 생체역학적 변인 비교분석
오정환CheongHwanOh , 신의수EuiSuShin
The purpose of this study was to analyzed the front kick of 4 excellent Taekwondo poomsae players and 4 non-excellent players from H University through biomechanical factors. The results showed that excellent players needed less required time than non-excellent players, and showed statistically significant difference. For displacement of body center, the horizontal(x) displacement showed significant difference in the Event 3 and Event 4. For joint angles, excellent players showed great angular difference in the knee joint, and showed significant difference. Although there was no statistically significant difference for the angular speed, excellent players showed faster average value in all aspects. For ground reaction force of the support legs, the maximum ground reaction force of excellent players showed higher average, and showed significant difference in Fx(horizontal direction) and Fz(vertical direction). According to the EMG(electromygram) experiment, excellent players showed high muscle action pattern on rectus abdominis muscle and biceps femoris muscle, and movement of the phase 2 showed significant difference. These results show that the proficiency of the acceleration section is important in order to express fast and effective kicks during the Taekwondo front kick and rectus abdominis muscle and biceps femoris muscle of the kicking foot should be strengthened.
Key Words
taekwondo, front kick, biomechanics
A Biomechanics Analysis of Free Walkover Forward Motion on Balance Beam 자연과학편 : 평균대 한발몸펴앞공중돌기 동작의 역학적 분석
류영YoungRyu , 김규완KyuWanKim
50(4) 379-388, 2011
A Biomechanics Analysis of Free Walkover Forward Motion on Balance Beam 자연과학편 : 평균대 한발몸펴앞공중돌기 동작의 역학적 분석
류영YoungRyu , 김규완KyuWanKim
The purpose of this study was to investigated the differences of the biomechanical variables in Free Workover Forward motion among the female gymnastic athletes groups. The subjects were 8 female gymnastic athletes and they were divided into three groups. The kinematic variables analyzed were performance time, distance, the velocity and acceleration of trunk, pelvis, thigh and shank, and angle of trunk, pelvis, knees and ankles. The kinetic variable analyzed was the ground reaction force of the supporting leg. In order to measure and analyze these variables the 6 Eagle cameras, 1 force platform, and Cortex program were used. The data measured were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. The results were as follows. The items of performance time, distance, the velocity and acceleration of middle school ahtletes and professional team athletes were shown differences but the other items were not shown differences. And the ground reaction force in middle school ahtletes was shown differences.
Key Words
biomechanics, walkover forward motion
Effects of Integrated Functional Physical Fitness Exercise Using Aero Equipment on Posture and Balance Difficulty for Rhythmic Gymnasts 자연과학편 : Aero Equipment를 이용한 통합기능체력운동이 리듬체조 선수의 자세 및 균형기술 난도에 미치는 영향
이경옥KyungOckYi , 권보영BoYoungKwon
50(4) 389-396, 2011
Effects of Integrated Functional Physical Fitness Exercise Using Aero Equipment on Posture and Balance Difficulty for Rhythmic Gymnasts 자연과학편 : Aero Equipment를 이용한 통합기능체력운동이 리듬체조 선수의 자세 및 균형기술 난도에 미치는 영향
이경옥KyungOckYi , 권보영BoYoungKwon
The purpose of this study was to perform a biomechanical analysis of the effects of integrated functional physical fitness exercise using aero equipment posture and balance difficulty in order to develop a core training program for rhythmic gymnasts. Nineteen elite south korean rhythmic gymnasts were the subjects of this study. The each group performed its exercise routine as usual during the eight-week test period. There were statistically significant difference for integrated functional physical fitness exercise(IFPFE)group at the earlobe(p<.05), shoulder(p<.05), between back and hip(p<.05)in the sagittal plane, at the scapular(p<.05), ankle(p<.05)in the coronal plane pre and post test. There was significant difference in lateral range(p<.05), anterior/posterior maximum force(p<.05)ground reaction force variables. These results indicates that the integrated functional physical fitness exercise using aero equipment with bare feet can improve coordination, posture, balance ability for rhythmic gymnasts.
A Regression Equation to Predict Body Fat Using Digital Image Plethysmography in Middle Aged Women 자연과학편 : 사진체적추정방법을 이용한 중년여성의 체지방 추정식 개발
안한주HanJuAhn , 신승윤SeungYunShin , 강성기SeoungKiKang
50(4) 397-406, 2011
A Regression Equation to Predict Body Fat Using Digital Image Plethysmography in Middle Aged Women 자연과학편 : 사진체적추정방법을 이용한 중년여성의 체지방 추정식 개발
안한주HanJuAhn , 신승윤SeungYunShin , 강성기SeoungKiKang
This research aims at developing the approximate calculation of body fat with higher degree of applicability to the field by estimating body fat through the calculation of TBV (Total Body Volume) through the estimated size of the front and the side in the method of digital image plethysmography. To accomplish this goal, 45 adult females in their forties without any particular physical diseases and not participating in regular exercises were selected at random. As the result of the enter method with TBV measured through ADP as the dependent variable and the sizes of the front and the side calculated by the digital image plethysmography method as the independent variable in order to draw the regression equation to calculate female adults` body fat, multicollinearity was concluded to exist among the independent variables, and the regression equation to estimate TBV of female adults (n=30), which was drawn after a multiple regression analysis by using the stepwise method to select the optimal variable. When 15 independent samples were applied to the regression equation to verify the cross validity and when ICCs of % body fat of the digital image plethysmography method were calculated, was turned out to be r=.932, so the method of digital image plethysmography was proved to be valid to measure female adults` % body fat. Therefore, the digital image plethysmography method is effective in terms of time and cost needed for the measurement.
Key Words
digital Image plethysmography, air displacement plethysmography, intraclass correlation coefficient